Clinton Lake and Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival

We arrived at our wonderful COE campground on Wednesday. Gorgeous place! The sites are big with solid gravel parking for the motorhome and a large spot for parking a car and just hanging out. There is a lot of shade in one corner of our space for sitting, but most of the site is sunny (better place for our satellite antenna). Since we have electricity and water at the campsite we don’t need shade to keep cool, so Kevin decided to leave the shady sites for renters who rally need them. Hardly anybody here when we arrived. but that definitely changed on Friday! There are a few spots left, but  not very many. We are lucky enough to have a resident mockingbird that likes to hang around, plus doves, purple martins, some type of woodpecker (heard but not seen), and an assortment of other common birds. The mockingbird is incredible though! Click the link to listen to just a short sample of the songs.


Thursday I went to the KCRQF. It was about an hour away, but the drive was easy. I wandered through the vendor mall, looking at the goodies. I ended up with only a few things – a lightweight thread stand for traveling, a stencil for marking 1” squares on my quilt tops, and a lovely piece of pre-fused appliqué of birch trees plus a piece of fabric (dark blue with stars) to use as a background. All I will need to do is heat press the appliqué to the fabric, then do some thread paining on the birches. It will make a lovely wall hanging.

I took an intermediate free motion quilting class Thursday afternoon. There wasn’t a lot of instruction, but she had lovely samples to inspire us plus stencils, books, and rulers to experiment with. I didn’t play with the rulers because I do that at home, but I did try a number of stencils, concentrating on getting an even stitch. It was even harder to do because were using Babylock sewing machines provided by the festival.

Trying to do free motion orange peels on a gridded background. Result was only so-so
Lovely little bird from a stencil. Top is an experiment using Press and Seal. Lesson learned: don’t do that!

I also experimented some with feathers, a very traditional quilting pattern I have never been able to master. I won’t say I have it mastered now, but they are much, much improved! Diane Kimber, a friend and quilter in Salt Lake City,  had given me some pointers. I hadn’t tried her technique, but I had thought about it, and it worked pretty well for me.

Feathers randomly tied to the end of a daisy

Friday I took a class in machine appliqué, but I accidentally left all my samples in class! It was a wonderful class though. She had a kit prepared with samples to use for practicing multiple techniques. We tried using fusible interfacing sewn to the fabric then turned to provide a smooth edge for the appliqué, using water soluble stabilizer with rubber cement to provide a turned edge, and two types of fusible raw edge appliqué. We also experimented with stitch types which was very informative. I am definitely going to try some of the techniques. My favorite stitch combo was a pretty short and narrow blanket stitch. It would be almost invisible in the color of the appliqué, especially with a 50 or 60 weight thread. This class used Viking machines, again provided by the festival.

While the classes were very good, I was not a fan of the show administration. Turns out they would have given my class spot away if I hadn’t checked in at a specific desk, but no one told me that ahead of time. Strike 1. Then when I did check in at 1:15 before going to the vendor mall, they didn’t have the class lists for my 3:00 class! I had to come back at 2:30. Strike 2. Then they changed the time of my Friday class without telling anyone in the class, including the teacher! Strike 3. Some of the desk staff couldn’t believe we were notified, but I showed them on their own website the time and also the confirmation email I was sent. Even though the class was only slipped by 30 minutes, it put the class finishing at the same time as the last shuttle to the parking lot. In addition there was some evening entertainment that conflicted. Probably half the class had to leave at 6:00. I won’t be back. I have a real issue with poor organization, and this was dreadful in a large professional show like this. Yes, they had big names -Ricky Tims, Leah Day, Angela Waters, many others – but the frustrations weren’t worth it. I will go back to the big AQS shows that are run smoothly.

Since it would be so late when I got out, Kevin picked up ribs, beans, and apple crisp at Joe’s Kansas City BBQ. After all, you have to eat BBQ in KC! The ribs were absolutely fantastic.

Note my empty plate!

On the road again

We are on the road again. We left this afternoon a little after noon, and we are spending the night at the Lakeside Casino RV park in Osceola, IA (south of Des Moines a bit). We are heading to the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival, and this is not quite half way. Nice enough, and less noisy than I thought it would be due to a nice berm between the campground and the highway. There is also a nice little pond with a lot of frogs doing their best to mask the highway sounds. I actually remembered to take a picture of our site though it was a little late.

I did finish Callyn’s quilt. It turned out really cute. The flowers are each about 3 1/2” in diameter.

Basically a big piece of lovely fabric with a border
I stitched radiating flower centers with white then outlined each flower with the appropriate color.
A big meander stitch in the border. Binding finished with a feather stitch.

Since we had only been at home a few days, it was easy to pack for this trip except for collecting the supply list for my quilting classes. Why do instructors ask for the impossible? One of my classes wanted 2” painter’s Tape. It turns out that such a thing doesn’t exist, according to the paint store I ended up at after searching all the big box stores. The biggest ones available are just under 2” and almost 3”. I bought the 1.88”. I also had to search for rubber cement. I am taking an intermediate free motion quilting class and a class on appliqué techniques. Ought to be interesting.

Feeling virtuous

I finally got my daughter’s quilt (almost) finished. The problem is that I ran out of thread while doing the final 8” of the binding! I have nothing in the stash to even kind of match, so I mail ordered. I have also decided on the pattern for the baptism gown. Now to get the fabric, laces, and ribbons.

We are now in central Wisconsin, just south of Steven’s Point. We had some family things to take care of, so we took a short trip here. We are staying at Oasis Waterpark and Campground, right on I-39 at Hancock. So far it is a lovely place with some trees and roomy enough sites. I imagine the quiet will change tomorrow though. It would be a great place for kids with lots of planned activities and a great water play area in a small pond. I can’t yet go swimming because of the wound from my basal cell cancer removal, so a lot of it goes for naught for me.

I have however done a really complete spring cleaning of the motorhome – floors, cabinetry, even the shower and the corners that never get seen behind the slides. I am not quite so virtuous as to clean the inside of the cabinets though.

Today we visited the Experimental Aircraft Association museum in Oshkosh. What fun! I like airplanes, and I love history, so it is a winner for me. Some pictures might help.

An historically accurate reproduction of the Wright brother’s first powered aircraft, complete with mannequin pilot
A partial reproduction of a 1918 Curtis showing the framework

A special D-Day exhibit opened today also. There were historical re-enactors from all services with lots of memorabilia.

One of the last D-Day transports

There was also a collection of vintage aircraft nose paintings, cut from the original aircraft and carefully conserved. There were some suitable for all ages:

And some were for more mature audiences (these are two of the tamer ones).

Sorry for the glare. They didn’t allow flash to even out the lighting.

We are staying here until Saturday sometimes, then heading home. We have to get ready for another family business trip, this time to Kansas and Oklahoma. We are starting with the Kansas City Quilt Expo though, and I have two classes scheduled. More on those later.

Updating the house plus hanging around the new baby and her mom

We ended up staying at Squaw Creek County Park in Marion for a week. On Sunday, 19 May, we moved to Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area. It is a lovely place, and we were lucky to score one of the six non-reservation sites that would fit us. We literally drove into the campground while the previous occupant was pulling out, so we quickly signed up for the site and out the lawn chairs out. Then we headed back to Squaw Creek to pack up the motorhome. I really do like how fast the Sani-Con dumps the black and gray tanks. Kevin likes how clean the process is, and he says it is one of the best plumbing updates he has done.

My daughter, her husband, her son, and the new baby girl came out quite a few times. DD says it is awfully nice to get out of the house but be in a safe environment. Seems like Callyn liked it too. She was up above her birth weight at one week old!

We did end up going back to the house some. We had trees planted (they look lovely), we had the deck stained, and we had some electrical work done. The electrical work included adding a big fan in the living room. Our living room faces pretty much straight west, and it gets hot in the summer afternoons. We did put a good sized tree there, but the room needed a fan.

A 60” blade was definitely not too big for the recessed ceiling

The other electrical work was to add a bunch of 4-plex outlets added at waist level in my craft room. I was tired of having to move shelving to reach the low level outlets that were there. We also added a new 20 amp line for some of the 4-plex outlets. Now I will have more flexibility with the heat press and irons I use! Used to be I had a single 15 amp circuit for the whole room. If I accidentally left the iron on and turned on the heat press, I tripped the breaker. This will be much nicer. Of course, to do the work every cabinet and shelving unit had to be moved to the middle of the room. It will be a pain to get everything back in its place, but worth it in the end. Most of the things I plug in are very low power – sewing machines, Silhouette cutter, PC, radio, etc.

I have two walls with these lovely outlets

Kevin also had the electrician install an outdoor outlet to plug in a camper that shows the front of the garage and the driveway. He added another camera in the utility room that shows the heater, the water heater, the water softener, and the sump pump. With us being gone so much, it is confidence-building to know the state of the systems, particularly the sump pump. We can also check the temperature in the house. I certainly like modern connected houses!

I am still working on my granddaughter’s quilt. I have done so much quilting on it, I am bored. I just have to plow through though since I really, really want to get it done next week. I have to get started on the baby’s baptism which is in late July. Still working on a pattern for that though.

We have a new granddaughter!

I quit the previous post rather abruptly because we got some lovely news. Our daughter had a lovely baby girl, Callyn Rose!
Wearing the onesie I made for her

She came a bit early, 37 weeks per plan, and was a healthy 6 pounds 15 ounces. We are all pretty much in love as you can see.

Love that tongue!

Her big brother seems pretty pleased too. He wanted to be rolled up like she was.

Everybody is doing well. Callyn is nursing like a champ, and she is letting mom and dad have an entire 3 hours of sleep some times!

We are making food. Tonight was a bunch of taco meat plus all the fixings. I also made a lovely pot roast which will provide two big meals. We will get it vacuum packed and frozen so they don’t have any worries. We will probably stay here until Monday when I have a PT appointment back home.

Hanging around Marion

We lived in Marion, IA for 20 plus years. We still have kids, grandkids, and some of our doctors here, so we come down every once in a while. Our favorite camping spot is Squaw Creek Park, and I finally remembered to take a picture.
Squaw Creek non-reservation area

We came down Thursday last week for The Hunchback of Norte Dame at Theater Cedar Rapids. We stayed in the reservation, full hookup area until Monday morning when we moved to the prettier site shown. Lots of space between sites, trees, birds, and wildlife more than make up for the lack of a sewer connection. Cost is right too – $23 a night instead of $28. We intend on staying here for a week or so.

The play was quite good. It is regional theater instead of Broadway touring, but I enjoyed myself tremendously. It didn’t hurt that I splurged on tickets, fourth row back, orchestra. Of course splurging on tickets in Cedar Rapids means $40 each or so compared to the nice (but not spurge) tickets in Salt Lake City, row H in the first balcony for $80 each or so!

Tuesday morning I got my second cataract removed, and it went as swimmingly as the first one did. I feel fully recovered, and it is a joy to be able to see clearly out of both eyes. The anesthesia knocked me out this time though! I got back to the motorhome and pretty much slept for 6 hours or more.

Oh, and I bought a new sewing machine for the motorhome and other travel needs! I got a Viking Opal 650, a good solid intermediate machine with the goodies I wanted. I had my class on Monday, and I am raring to go. However I am going to finish quilting the baby quilt for my daughter on the Bernina 440 first. It is well underway.

Home is always nice

We left Paducah on Tuesday morning. The KOA really needs to do some trimming on the trees in the campground. We did let them know, and they said they would. The poor owners are trying hard to get the place upgraded. We spent Tuesday night at Spindler Marina Campground in Peoria, IL. It was a nice quiet campground in late winter during the middle of the week, but I bet it would be crazy in the summer or on weekends. I was pleasantly surprised by the interstate in Illinois. It was much better than the last time I went through many years ago.

While we were really anxious to get home, we did stop at the World’s Biggest Truckstop on I-80. I was looking for a much better lumbar support for the motorhome’s driver seat, and they had a good collection. I ended up with a mesh one that feels wonderful! Between the tire alignment, the Safe-T-Plus, and the lumbar support, I am much less tired while driving. We ended up just taking the motorhome to the house to unload most of our stuff. Thank goodness most of the house construction is done on our street! Once we got the motorhome to the storage unit and us back home, we just kind of collapsed. It has been three months, and the mail pile was huge!

We still have some things to put up, but we are going to have all the kids and grandkids over on Sunday for dinner which wil be fun. I also spent some time with my vinyl cutter. I experimented with labels, and I got all my spice containers labeled nicely. I also decorated two little onesies for my new granddaughter, scheduled to arrive some time in May.

My daughter really wants girly things, so this was the pinkest pink I had! I think they are cute. It was a good thing I had her spell the baby’s name since I would have done it wrong! I also bought some other baby things, just since it is so much fun buying baby clothes.

We are gradually getting back in the groove. Tomorrow morning will be church, then I get to start cooking. Grilled pork chops, roasted carrots, smashed red potatoes, and flan for desert – yum! Kevin has already checked the grill works, and all it needed was a propane refill. We also made a nice big Amazon order to get a bunch of things we need before our next trip. We have also bought tickets for a show in Cedar Rapids, and I made reservations at a local campground for Mother’s Day weekend so we don’t have to drive back after the show. We have also made reservations for right after the FMCA rally this summer. We figured there would be 1000 rigs all trying to go somewhere, so it was best to make reservations. That will be the start of the next big trip to the Pacific Northwest. Oh, and Kevin is ordering a Sanicon system for the motorhome. It is similar to a macerator, but has a bigger hose. He will be installing that himself too. I figured there was no way he could last an entire summer without ordering and installing something <grin>.

Land Between the Lakes and Paducah

We got on the road about 10:00 on Friday and headed north. We were only going to somewhere just south of Birmingham, so we weren’t in any rush. We tried a number of campgrounds, but they were full. Between Spring Break, nice weather, and a weekend, we shouldn’t have been surprised. We ended up in a Walmart in Pasqua, AL. It was very nice! They had pull through sites marked and ready for semi overnight parking. We left that to the truckers and found a spot off to the side where we could put out our slides easily.  We did do some trash pickup and bought some things. The passenger seat of the coach had a couple of loose bolts and a broken cotter pin, so Kevin bought the pin to replace it. Good thing he found it!

We spent the next three nights at a KOA in Calvert, KY not far from Paducah and the Land Between the Lakes (LBL). It was a nice little campground in need of some modernization. The new owners just bought the place in January and have a lot of plans. It was very, very quiet.

The view from our site. Sorry for the electric box.

We spent Sunday wandering through the LBL. Those lakes are BIG! They even had shipping on the lakes.

This barge was headed from Kentucky Lake (Tennessee River) to Lake Barkley (Cumberland River)

We wandered around the LBL looking primarily at the historic sites. Turns out they mined iron in the area. There were a few ruins in the old town of Hematite (named after the iron ore). Here is the central furnace where the ore was smelted. The white rock was where the heat was applied and the bricks were insulation.

Our favorite spot by far was the Homeplace Historic Site. It is an interpretive  site with an 1850s farm with docents working on the farm using historic tools, seeds, and animals. Here is a bunch of pictures of great spots.

A “Two Pen” house (two main rooms each with a fireplace)
The Two Pen had an addition at the back too
Lots of historic buildings
A more macro view
The first house would have been a “One Pen”. You can see one of the costumed interpreters
Historic sheep
And, surprise, historic cattle

I picked up a great book that included history and recipes of the area: “The Homeplace History and Receipt Book” by Geraldine Ann Marshall. I loved reading about the history from a woman-centric view. It is organized by the activities that occurred seasonally.

Monday we went to the National Quilt Museum in Paducah. I was underimpressed. The quilting was absolutely stunning, but the vast majority of the pieces were appliqué. I expected a more historically-oriented display, but it was mostly drop dead gorgeous modern quilts. I actually preferred looking at the murals on the river wall. They had numerous historic scenes that were quite interesting. I also went to Hancocks of Paducah, a big fabric store. I picked up a bunch of fabrics for my granddaughters nursery, with the approval of her mom. I will show those as I finish them.

Today we left about 9:00 and arrived at Peoria, IL a little after 4:00. We are staying at Spender Marina Campground, a municipal campground right in town. I am sure it would be impossible to find a site during the summer, but it is on,y about half full tonight. $27 for full hookups is a good deal. Kevin is going to clean all the tanks really well, and I am going to finish the deep clean inside that I started yesterday. Tomorrow we get back to the “sticks and bricks” house.


Last days at the Gulf

On Wednesday the weather was again surprisingly good, so we took a trip to Johnson Beach, part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore. The beach was really, really lovely though. Since there is an entrance fee to the National Seashore, there were very few people around, a nice change from the spring break crowds at Gulf Shores. While here was some blue sky occasionally, the wind was fierce. I am still amazed at how super fine and white the sand is. “Sugar sand” is a very appropriate name.

Thursday would be our last day at the Gulf, so we decided to visit the Naval Air Museum at Pensacola NAS. Like every other military museum I have ever been to, it was fantastic. I always prefer looking at the older planes because I have less experience with them, and they had a tremendous collection.

The oldest one from WW1 days
One of the last “Flyting Boats”. It even has a keel line and rudder.
Just a great older helicopter
Fantastic replica of the Apollo moon landing

While at the NAS, we also visited the headquarters of the Gulf Islands National Seashore so Kevin could get a pin. He tries to pick one up at each park we visit, and his collection is pretty impressive. We took the long way back across the beaches, then went to dinner at Acme Oyster Bar. Luckily they had more than oysters since neither of us like them. I had a great lightly fried fish with a gorgeous butter/shrimp topping, and Kevin ate a good roast beef open face sandwich. I hadn’t had seafood the entire trip, and I just had to get some. We also finished catching up on laundry and other exciting housekeeping chores.

We left today, and we are spending the night in a Walmart on the south edge of Birmingham. We tried to get a campground, but all the good ones were already full (oh the joys of spring break in the south). Lily is really getting into the groove of travel.

She just loves this one particular lap quilt, and I am sure she thought Kevin left it on his lap just for her. She probably sat there a total of 2 hours in a couple of different shifts.

Tomorrow we arrive in Paducah, the quilting Mecca. We will stay 3 days so we can see the National Quilt Museum, do some shopping for my granddaughter due in May, and probably drive some in the land Between The Lakes area.

In and out of Red Bay (again)

We drove into the Tiffin Service Center campground in Red Bay, AL on Sunday, 3 March. We got seen by the evaluator on Monday, and we were told it would be the middle of the next week before we could get into a service bay. That gave us some time to wander around, but it was so cold we didn’t enjoy it much. We did get to a small shop in downtown Red Bay and ordered a custom hand towel in the basic colors of the coach.

However we got a call early on Friday morning to head to a bay! We got everything we needed done by Tiffin early, a nice change. However we still had some woodworking to be finished by an outside vendor, and we had an appointment for diesel service and installation of a SafeTPlus steering system on Wednesday. The woodworking was done on Monday, and we got the diesel work done as planned by Bay Diesel. Since the service center work was complete, we moved to a private campground nearby, 1st Class Campground. It is another gravel parking lot, but at least the owner turned the water on a few hours a day. Pretty much all the other campgrounds had water shut off completely due to the freezing temperatures.

Cup holder showing my travel mug


Linen drawer open
Linen drawer closed
Liquor cabinet

The diesel service went well, and I already LOVE the SafeTPlus. It makes driving much, much easier and less tiring.

Today we had the coach detailed, the first time it has been washed in months! We were scheduled for the 4 hour job to begin at 9:30, but just after we left it the water faucet they used broke due to the cold! The detail guy had to spend the first few hours replumbing the water line, so instead of being on the road by 2:00, we didn’t leave until after 4:30.

We had thought about gradually heading back to Iowa, staying at some Corps of Engineers sites for a couple of weeks, but I was so tired of the cold! Even Red Bay was getting down to lows of 20 or so, almost unheard of for March. Kevin found a campground in Gulf Shores, AL near the coast. We will be spending a week there, hopefully warming up. The forecast is for lots of rain though, so it is not an unmixed blessing. We are spending tonight in a Walmart parking lot in Cullman, AL.