We ended up taking a couple of short trips to a nearby county park for to be closer to Kevin’s cataract surgeon. Squaw Creek Park in Linn County, Iowa is one of our favorites. First, it has nice facilities (a FHU section with reservations and a W/E section with no reservations), and second, it is close to two of our kids. We end up doing a reasonable amount of our medical specialty work in Cedar Rapids, Iowa because we know the doctors there. It is about an hour from our house though, so we head to the campground if any overnights are needed. We stayed there in early October and mid-October for 5 days each time, just enjoying the weather and seeing family (outdoors and distanced of course).
We also ended up taking another trip to Red Bay. The slide topper on our big living room slide tore where it was attached to the roof, and the minor fix Kevin made just wasn’t going to last. While we could probably have found someone closer, we had lots of recommendations for a specific firm in Red Bay, so off we went. Of course it could have been just an excuse to get out of the state a bit too, as my oldest son laughed about. We did get gorgeous upgraded slide toppers on all four sides. We decided on a dark red Sunbrella fabric that matches the motorhome very well and which is much tougher than the original vinyl. I thought I had pictures, but I can’t find them. Too bad, because the color is amazing.
Kevin has spent all kinds of time doing things in the motorhome. He managed to fix the roller blind on the driver side with a free part from the blind manufacturer. Tiffin only wanted to sell the entire assembly for some $300!

He mostly has been busy making all kinds of 3D printed parts for organization, mostly at home. This is just a small sample. Every holder on the pegboard was printed.
Plus some Christmas things.
We didn’t put up a Christmas tree this year, just our 10’ long Christmas village. This little display fit right in. It is actually cuter than it looks since my camera isn’t great with white in bright light.
As for Thanksgiving, I was able to cook loads – roast turkey, pies, and stuffing. Kevin smoked a couple of turkeys that mostly went into the freezer in smaller portions. I then delivered to my daughter’s family (they just moved into a new house the weekend before!) and my son who is single. I delivered two portions to him because a workmate was also by themselves this season. We are having a virtual Christmas this year too, though I am not supplying food. Presents are being distributed today, and we are having a Zoom opening later today.
As for future travel, we have been back and forth for months trying to decide if we are traveling to Arizona. We just decided to do so a couple of days ago. Our original plan was to leave on 28 or 29 December, but a storm is rolling into the Midwest then. We now plan to leave on Sunday, the 27th. We will get to central Kansas somewhere on Sunday then head to Oklahoma City a few days where I have family. I am crossing my fingers we stay out of the snow belt, but if it happens, we will just stay put another day or two.