We waited until the plows had plenty of time to work and went shopping. I finally decided I needed a new iPad. I had an iPad 3 that was about 6 years old with only 16 GB, and it just wasn’t behaving well. I ended up at the Apple Store and walked out the door with a new iPad Air 2 with 128 GB plus a nice case. Since I don’t use the iCloud for my backups, I had to set it up at home using iTunes on my Windows laptop. It took two hours since I had all kinds of problems. However I am using it to write this post, and I am quite happy with it.
After I got the iPad set up, I decided to work on my daughter’s quilt. It took some time to get the tension set up correctly (bad tension was the reason I had to take out the quilting yesterday), but it looks nice now. I need to work on it in short sessions of one hour or so to keep my concentration and to keep my arthritis from flaring up. I will probably finish the background tomorrow and then the elephant itself on Wednesday. I can’t wait!