Thursday night already?

I have let the week get by me. Monday and Tuesday I did a lot of cutting out the quilt for my daughter’s baby. In fact, I cut so much my hand is sore! I also did a lot of sewing and pressing to prepare the strip sets. I only have a few more sets to finish up, then I get to start putting it together. I promise to get pictures of all my little piles of fabric before I start sewing it all back together. Yesterday I did a lot of shopping plus an eye appointment plus choir practice, so it was a busy day even without any sewing.

Today was was the start of a new volunteer activity. I took the first of many full-days of tax training with AARP for doing taxes for seniors. I take six full days of training this month followed by two more days of classes in January. There is even homework! Assuming I pass the certification test from the IRS, I can then help others fill out their tax forms. I think I will enjoy it. I am analytical, and this will be a good fit for my skill set. I will also be qualified to work with low income folks through the VITA program, though I don’t think I will have the time to do that this year.

Choir, church, snow, and quilting – a normal Sunday

Pretty much every Sunday when we are at home we do the same thing – choir rehearsal, church, dinner, and then home. My husband doesn’t sing, but he is kind enough to drive in with me each Sunday morning so I can make the hour or hour and a half long choir rehearsal before the church service. Today was a full hour and a half since we have a Christmas concert coming in addition to the normal service music.

Getting home, my husband went to get the garage ready for winter since we are supposed to get 3-6″ at our house while the mountains behind us are forecast to get 18-24″. In our case that means moving the lawn mower to storage and bringing the snow thrower home. Of course that generally requires rearranging pretty much everything in the garage! I leave him to it and head to my sewing studio. I spent yesterday cleaning it up and finishing a few small things. It is still a mess, but I have a corner suitable for a new project. I need to make a baby quilt for my daughter’s baby coming in February. Here’s the pattern:

Quilt pattern for Clay's quilt
Quilt pattern for Clay’s quilt

Isn’t it cute? It is from Bean Counter Quilts, and I am making the smaller size, though I may add another border to it. Lots of strip piecing with eight gray/white background fabrics, five turquoise fabrics, with the elephant also having gray, black, and lime green accents (not the pink as shown in the photo). This is what I got accomplished: pressing 16 pieces of fabric and cutting 125 separate 2″ strips. It may not sound like a lot, but it is!


Tomorrow I start sewing the strip sets together and sub-cutting them. Tonight – PBS or Netflix since my back is sore! I really should improve the ergonomics in my studio.

Black Friday

I do not like to shop. When I have to shop, I try to go when few other people are around. That means that I seldom leave the house on Black Friday! I actually did some shopping today though I waited until 11:00 a.m. My son wanted to buy me some type of sewing gadget for my birthday, so we went to a local quilt store and I picked out a new Omnigrid ruler. I have had my current 7×24 ruler for many years, and it had nicks on the corners where it had been dropped. It was inexpensive enough that I didn’t worry about not using my Joann discount. Joann’s Fabrics is crazy on Black Friday because they run huge sales on flannel and fleece. I stay far away! Same son wanted painting supplies for his birthday and Christmas, so we went to Michael’s for him to educate me about the options. While there we found a wonderful easel and desk that was half-price so he got his birthday present a month early. He was quite pleased, and we will get him paints and brushes for Christmas. Nice productive day, and it wasn’t too crazy.

I am now totally delaying heading into my sewing studio to clean it up. It has gone past the stage of usability, and I need to finish a couple of quilts. They will take space, and far too much of the studio’s horizontal surfaces are covered with scraps of fabric to even think about starting something new. I put together one big trash sack full of scraps already, but I probably have at least one more. There are also bigger scraps that need folding and put away. Sigh. Sewing is much more fun that the aftermath.

Oh, and I didn’t take any pictures yesterday. I had so much fun with family and friends I totally forgot!


I spent a lot of today cooking and prepping, but I decided I would wait until tomorrow for pictures. Three pies (two pumpkins, one pecan), a 17 pound turkey cooked and cut up, “pink stuff” salad, cranberry sauce, and the dressing is made (mushrooms, onions, celery, cornbread, wheat bread, egg, chicken broth, sage). Tomorrow all the last minute stuff and a lovely dinner with husband, son, and friends.

Well, I thought it would be an easy Thanksgiving dinner …

I am a planner. I spent 30 years planning and executing engineering projects, and I look at Thanksgiving dinner as a project with tight deadlines. I have everything planned pretty carefully for resources (oven space, stove space, refrigerator space, ingredients) and schedule. We are only having a total of six people for dinner, and I was looking forward to a pretty relaxed preparation. The menu was smoked turkey, a good Amana pre-cooked ham, sage/cornbread dressing, gravy, mashed sweet potatoes with syrup and pecans, cranberry sauce, a cherry/pineapple/cool whip/condensed milk salad known in our family as “pink stuff”, plus lots of pies – two pumpkin and one each apple and pecan pies. Friends are bringing a cranberry salad and another vegetable dish.


Monday: Smoke Turkey

Tuesday: Bake cornbread for dressing. Roast pecans for pies and sweet potatoes. Unrelated to Thanksgiving, smoke a big piece of salmon we bought on Monday morning. Make smoked turkey broth for the dressing with the remainder frozen for later.

Wednesday: Make the dressing, cranberry sauce, four pies, and put together the pink stuff salad.

Thursday: Cook (small) ham, rolls, gravy, dressing, and sweet potatoes. Enjoy friends arriving at noon with dinner planned for 1:00. See how easy?

Well, that lasted until Monday afternoon when Kevin discovered the main burner on the smoker had burned out! Of course, this was after the turkey had been in a 110-120 degree smoker for four hours (the heater for the wood chips was still working). It certainly would not be safe to eat so it went into the trash. Search the entire city for a replacement burner, but they have to be mail ordered – not available before late Wednesday. Off to Costco Monday afternoon for a new fresh turkey only to find them sold out! Way too late for a frozen turkey, so we were at their door as they opened today to pick up a turkey they had delivered last night. Now I have to cook a 18 pound turkey (the smallest they had) on Thursday in addition to doing the ham, sweet potatoes, and rolls plus cooking the dressing. I will have to plan everything pretty carefully since I only have one big oven plus one (relatively big) toaster oven. The poor salmon is getting baked this evening since it won’t be any good by Friday when the replacement burner element will be installed in the smoker.

Sigh. I might have to push dinner back some because of how much time the turkey will take. I am even thinking of the sacrilege of making the turkey on Wednesday using an oven bag, and then just reheating it in the microwave on Thursday. I will report back, with pictures.

Getting started

I am starting a new blog, hopefully with better support than my previous one. The idea is to document our travels, fun things we find, and some of my sewing projects. I am using Bluehost for the hosting and WordPress for the blog itself. I intend on playing around some with themes and formats, so the site may look different each day for a while. It always takes a bit to find out what you really like.

Oh, and this is Lily. I tried to use her as a header picture since she is the poster child for laziness, but there is still more to learn about my header pictures. She is laying on the table in our travel trailer, being her usual silly self. The meds behind her are for her partner in crime, Minou, who has injured her back leg fairly significantly (poor baby).

Lazy Day