I have been busy with the RVForum rally, so that’s my excuse! It isn’t a very good one though LOL! We had folks starting to arrive the Wednesday before the rally officially began on Saturday, 18 January, and we enjoyed a daily Happy Hour around the fire. Folks brought a LOT of wood, so we have had fires every night but two when it was too windy. Wind is a continued issue in Q, but it just goes with the territory.
We added a LOT more wood after this picture was takenSunset from the firepit
We did a really challenging ride with the Arizona SunRiders again – Preacher’s Pass and Hogsback. Glad we were with experienced riders! We would never have dreamed of tacking it ourselves. But this is exactly the reason we like going on group rides; experienced riders in a group can really advance your skills. The ride leader said there wasn’t any ride in the area that was more challenging, and our little RZR did just fine! Some pictures and videos are needed of course. Click on the links to see the videos.
View from the top is always niceWe always have dog buddies alongView of the trailYup, it’s a long way down
The second video shows the ride to one of the passes. It is steeper than it looks!
One of the activities of our rally was a high clearance vehicle ride across the Yuma Proving Grounds to the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge. Lovely ride through pristine desert, though the lack of rain in the last 6 months made it very dry. The only casualty was our own flat tire! Luckily we got it changed in 15 minutes, and we were all on our way again. There weren’t as many birds as usual due to the dry weather. We were told there were more at Imperial Wildlife Refuge south of Cibola. I did get a few shots of the Sandhill Cranes.
A lot fewer sandhill cranes than in previous yearsThey liked the edge of the corn rows this time
I also took a video at Goose Pond. Normally there would be thousands of birds, but this time there were only a few hundred.
Our final formal activity of the rally was a trip to the Desert Bar, aka Nellie E Mine. Absolutely off-grid completely, only opens weekends in the winter. There are pictures of previous trips on other posts, so I will just show the pictures from the women’s toilet, a famous vista (yes, really!).
View from the women’s toilet to the rightView from the women’s toilet to the left.
I admit I am tired and need some quiet time, but I should get that today. Tomorrow evening we will go to dinner at Silly Al’s Pizza, a tradition. Until then I will clean up the mess that is inside the motorhome and get some sewing done.
We have now been here for a bit over a week. After the fun SxS ride I posted about last time, we have just been hanging around trying to avoid the wind. It has been bad with gusts of 35-40 which is a lot in this open, dusty country. As you can see from this picture Kevin captured of me, I have done quite a bit of relaxing. Seems like the cats had the same idea. Those recliners are really comfy!
We ended up making a day of it in Lake Havasu City on Thursday. We picked up Amazon packages we had delivered to Parker, AZ on the way, bought and ate one of the ham and cheese croissants from Stark Bakery in Parker, did laundry at the fabulous Modern Laundry in LHC (cleanest and nicest we have ever been to), did grocery shopping, got my hair cut, and picked up 14 yards of fabric at Fabrics Unlimited.
Fabrics Unlimited is a really nice shop. They sell HandiQuilter machines and supplies plus Accuquilt products in addition to a big selection of quilt fabrics. They also have some specialty products for bag making, but that isn’t something I have ever really been interested in. I bought 6 yards of a black background fabric for the Moda Block of the Month I am starting on, two coordinating 3 yard pieces for a new quilt using the Turkey Trot Accuquilt die I bought before Christmas, and 2 yards of duck canvas for making new bags for the folding chairs we use on the RZR. While I was there the owner told me about a Zoom class they were having the next day (Friday) with a national HQ educator about quilting feathers. I was excited! I have always wanted to learn how to quilt feathers, and I haven’t ever been very successful. They had a sitdown quilting machine I could use (the rest of the class used long arm machines), so I signed up. That meant another 3 1/2 hour round trip the next day, but it was worth it. I used up three big pieces of quilt sandwich (they supplied that and the thread) practicing various feather types. I think I finally caught on! Some of the options I like better than others, but I now feel I could use feathers on a real quilt.
I know there is a lot of fuzz and some chalk marks, but you can ignore those. I am going to bind these and use them as cat quilts for Minnie’s hiding spot behind the recliner.
We are also getting ready for the rally I am hosting in a week. I am an active participant in the RVForum.net forums, and we always used to hold a rally during the big RV show week (aka “The Big Tent”). Sadly the previous rally master died a couple of years ago, so I stepped up to host it. Kevin made cool signs as turn indicators. There are a lot of roads out in the desert! Give a man a 3D printer, and you can get all kinds of neat stuff you never thought you’d need!
The sign is maybe 6”x4”, made on his 3 color printer
I have been cutting and piecing some, not just buying fabric. On Saturday I cut about 680 2.5” squares from the Christmas fat quarter bundle my kids bought for me. The quilt will be made up of 8 star blocks and 40 sixteen patch blocks, using pretty much all the fabrics in the bundle. I will still have enough for a pieced border if I choose to add it. I always cut more pieces than I need when making a scrap quilt so I have some extras to adjust colors and in case I mess up a few. Today I have been making “twosies” – sewing two squares together. I have well over half of the squares sewn, and I will probably finish the twosies later today. Then I start making “foursies” – sewing the twosies together. I won’t start that until next week. But here is the current state of twosies and single block in the box I am using.
Squares and twosies
I love pretty much mindless sewing like this. I have been listing to an audio book in the background, and just sewing a huge chain of these. Maybe I will have some blocks in the next blog post. Or I might decide to cut out the blocks for the Turkey Trot quilt and take that to the Quilt Guild meeting on Tuesday. Decisions, decisions!
We made it to Quartzsite on Friday, 3 Jan. We decided to leave Oklahoma City and take I-40 to Albuquerque before heading south on I-25. We took the cutoff at Deming to join I-10 at Hatch. We then take I-8 to the Phoenix Bypass up again to I-10 and into Quartzsite. Spent a couple of nights in a Walmart and another in an Elks Lodge, so it was easy stops. The weather was quite cooperative after we left OKC. We arrived about 2, dumped our waste tanks and filled with fresh water, then moved to our campsite in Tyson Wash LTVA. This is where we stayed last year, and it is lovely.
Yesterday, Saturday, we headed out to the Barry Goldwater Training Range for a UTV trip. We hadn’t taken the RZR out of the truck bed, so we drove down to Wellton, AZ east of Yuma to meet up with a local guide. It is a 100 minute trip or so each way, and we drove a total of 50 miles on the range. Interesting trip. Here are some pictures with captions.
Our first stop was a picnic spot. The covered shelter had four fireplaces, and was quite impressive. The women’s restroom had a wall 3’ or so high, big enough to cover the important parts! The men’s toilet was quite a ways away and constructed the same way.
Picnic shelter in the rangeThe women’s bathroom at the picnic area
The range takes helping endangered species so there are a series of what are called “tanks” in this part of the world. They are many times big catchment ponds like this one that was almost completely empty. Nice scenery though.
One of the tanks for wild animals
There were all kinds of old military hardware along are path. Lots of old dead army tanks, pretend artillery batteries, multiple launch rocket systems that were rusted solid, etc. You can climb around them, and some of the folks did.
Lots of old dead tanks were around
There is also a wooden replica of a town informally called “Combat City” used for training. These pictures were taken by my husband since it was more walking than I wanted to do.
Lots of wooden structures imitating a town
Sadly there are some aircraft wrecks too. Luckily the pilots survived both of the ones we saw. This is one of them.
One of the jet crash sites
And what desert trip would be complete without some really cool rocks? The weathering in this aged sandstone was fascinating. The scale is shown by the folks next to it.
Fabulous rocks
We were exhausted by the time we made it home to the motorhome. We went to bed by 9:15 and didn’t get up until 6:30! I admit I woke up a few times, but I managed to get back to sleep quickly each time. The sunrise was glorious.
Arizona sunrise
I will end with a demonstration that the two cats love the magic blankie!