On Friday we decided to take a short UTV ride down the road we are camped on, FR 402. Nice ride! Most of the other campers were near the gate into a second grazing area, but there was one guy who really wanted his privacy.

As we reached the end of the road and the NF, we could see De Smet lake. You will have to expand the picture probably, but it is there. Decent dry camping available, and we have stayed there a couple of times.

Looking another direction we could see the town of Buffalo. You can probably see US 16 the most clearly, but the town is there, I promise.

We expected more people to arrive on Friday night, but it is still spacious. You can get a feel for the crowded conditions LOL!

We took it easy on Saturday, driving down US 16 to the town of Tensleep. US 16 takes this big curve around the Cloud Peak Wilderness headed south before it turns back west. The scenery was lovely, and we looked at a few trailheads and side roads along the way. Not many pictures though! We got back to some excitement. A bunch of cowboys/girls were moving cattle just past the gate I mentioned earlier. The last time we were here, we saw a bunch of cattle being brought to summer pastures in big semi trucks. This was just moving the cattle from one pasture to another.

Also on Saturday I finished the last of the 12 Hunter’s Star blocks I need for my next quilt. Now all I have to do is sew the blocks together and put on a couple of borders. I hope to do that before the FMCA convention so I can show off the flimsy.
Sunday we took a RZR ride down towards the Hunter Creek area. There were some nice spots for views and a few very rough rocky roads. We didn’t have a real destination in mind, just a casual “let’s see what’s there” view. The views from Hunter Mesa were stunning any direction you looked.

Amd of course there were flowers. I have actually been quite restrained about posting flower pictures; I probably have taken 100 or more!
This was one of the easier sections of the rocky trail. On the really rough sections, I just held on tight!
Tomorrow we are having my son and his family out for dinner and hanging out. Peach cobbler in the convection oven in the morning, and green chili chicken enchiladas in the Dutch Oven for the main course. Yum! Of course I have to clean up the motorhome before they get here!