Saturday we went to Ft. Morgan, an Alabama historical park. While the first fort was built for the War of 1812, the big effort began in the 1830s and continued through World War II, with various times of deactivation. The main masonry/earth fort is pretty impressive.

We also took a long drive along the coast, stopping for lunch at Picnic Cove, a nice restaurant I recommend, at least for their smoked chicken and brisket!
Sunday we just stayed around the coach, doing laundry and relaxing.
Today we took a trip to Mobile Bay to look for dolphins. We had lunch at Lambert’s, a tourist spot that has “throwed rolls”. It was barely so-so. The green beams with my meal were definitely canned, and Kevin’s beans seemed like standard canned pork and beans. The rolls were good though, as were the fried potatoes and the hamburger steaks themselves (loaded with onions, mushrooms, and green peppers). The charter was a bit over two hours, and I enjoyed it immensely! We took a charter from A-Pair-A-Dice at Barber Marina, and saw lots more than dolphins. Eagles, cormorants, ospreys, terns, loons, and brown pelicans were showing off in the area. Note most of these pictures were fromKefin since his camera takes much better zoom pictures than mine does.

One group of dolphins were mating, so they were rolling all over themselves.

It was a long trip, and I am afraid my face is slightly sunburned!