Pulled the trigger

We got the proposals for buying the motorhome, and we chose to go with a bid from Sherman RV Center in Sherman, Mississippi. They are near the Tiffin factory, and the salesman we had said they have more on order now than they have ever had. It will probably be 16 weeks until we can pick up the coach though. We are instead frantically cleaning, sorting, and packing the house. We had a “stager” come in to tell us how much furniture to remove, how many books should be in the book cases, even where to place the rugs. The biggest problem is my sewing studio. Luckily she says I can keep all the machines and thread, but I have to clean up the shelves and miscellaneous stuff. Sigh.

We also pulled the trigger on a new vehicle. We decided to get a Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk. It is one of the few that can be flat towed behind the motorhome. We found a local dealer with a couple of units advertised at a good price. We went in, did a test drive, and struck a deal. Of course they didn’t want to honor the deal, but we convinced them otherwise when we got up to leave. So far I am very pleased with it. It has all kinds of safety features that are lovely. It is comfortable too, so we are going to take it back to Iowa with a load of canoes, snow thrower, lawn mower, propane bottles, and some other miscellaneous stuff. We will get a P.O. box and we have already rented a storage u it. We will also look at houses with a Realtor. We might even get lucky and make an offer contingent on getting the Utah house sold. I am crossing my fingers!

Here is a not very good picture of the Jeep. I don’t have one  when it is outside since it is snowing. I love the bright red color!


Big changes coming

For the last three weeks Kevin and I have been thinking about the timing of selling our house in Utah, buying a house in Iowa (home of most kids and all grandkids), and buying a motorhome (required for long snowbird trips because, well, Iowa). We pulled the trigger last night. The Utah house is listed for sale with the first publicity and open house on 1 March. I am sending price requests to some big Tiffin motorhome dealers for a new 37PA motorhome, and we are checking out Realtors in Cedar Falls, Iowa. It isn’t as fast as it might seem, because we had been talking about the options for over six months, but it almost takes my breath away. The house timing is good. The Salt Lake City area market is fantastic right now for sellers, with multiple offers and top dollar being common. The market in Cedar Falls is solid, not spectacular, and homes are available. Rates are probably heading up, hurting buyers and sellers, so we might as well do it now. The motorhome has a floor plan very livable for us, and we can swing the price. So, off to the real work of clean up, paint, stain, and decluttering. We have a new housekeeper candidate coming to give us a quote (I was ready to fire my old ones anyway), another one with a quote in the next few days, plus a “staging expert” today. We bought boxes, and we are already packing things like clothes and stuff we know needs to be out of the house. Luckily we have a big storage unit to put stuff in. It is still rather breath taking.

Military bases plus quilting

Odd title, but we did a couple of quite different things today. First we went to Fort Huachuca and it’s fascinating Buffalo Soldier Museum. Buffalo Soldiers were what African American soldiers were known as before integration of the Armed Forces after World War II. Supposedly the curly hair reminded the Native Americans  of buffalo (bison). It was a good thing the museum was good because it took a very long time to get a pass for the post. It took my driver’s license and a long questionnaire, followed by a criminal background check and military records check before I got the pass, about 30 or 45 minutes total. While most of the post was very modern, I took a few pictures of the older part because I like the history.
A duplex housing a Major and a Command Sergeant Major.
Just looking into the distance across the old parade ground.
An old mission-style building.
Old barracks now made into offices.

We did exciting things like laundry at the campground, and I got my latest Quilts for Kids project completed. I am pretty pleased with it. I did the quilting on my Bernina sitting at the dinette table, something much harder to do than using the quilting machine at home.

2B069882-93B1-456E-947D-80139E7AE5E4The design is called “I Spy” because of all the different fabrics. I used a dark blue thread for the meander quilting. I probably should have used yellow, but I didn’t have any nor did I want to go to the store, so blue it was. It feels nice to get this one done. Next I need to work on the microwave bowl holders with the cute fabric I bought here, but we are leaving this campground tomorrow. I like the area, but the campsite is not nice at all. There isn’t room for the truck, so we have to park it in the overflow area, and it is quite inconvenient. We will probably head some place north of Phoenix for tomorrow night. Thursday and Friday we will be at Willow Beach below Lake Mead. A full hookup campsite! Of course that assumes the Government doesn’t shit down again.

Oh, and tonight I made baby back ribs in the Instant Pot again. Yum, yum! You notice no pictures; they didn’t last long enough.

Ghost towns and tourist towns

We decided to visit some old mining towns today – Courtland and Gleeson. They aren’t too far from Huachuca City or Tombstone, our ultimate destination. Courtland had obviously been a big mining district. There were tailing piles and mining roads scattered across the hillsides.
Lots of rock buildings (sorry for the bad lighting)
Adobe buildings too
This one looked scary!
Distant views
Yet more buildings, or at least their footings
Mine tailings. This one is still active. See the tiny white spec?

Now for Gleeson. Not as many pictures because a number of people still live in this community. There were even a number of mailboxes.

This was a big building
Leftovers of the mill and headframe
Way at the top of a hill. Maybe a church?

After the ghost towns we headed to Tombstone. We picked a great day without many visitors since most people must have been planning on football. Lots of neat old buildings plus lots of relatively tasteful tourist shops. I was pleasantly surprised. We did take a stagecoach ride though. The driver/narrator was a hoot and deserved his tip at the end.


This evening I pressed and sandwiched the Quilts for Kids project. I even got it quilted on my Bernina! It was the first time I have done free motion quilting on an entire quilt on the Bernie, and it went pretty well. Of course the quilt wasn’t big, about 40×45”. I will post a completed picture when I get the binding on.

Oh, and the Eagles won the game.

Huachuca City, AZ

After we left Quartzsite we headed east to Huachuca, just outside of Sierra Vista. We are staying at Mountain View RV Park. I would recommend this park for long term folks, but it is not nice at all for short timers! The first spot they put is had the sewer connection underneath the trailer. The manager was quite put out we weren’t willing to crawl underneath the trailer to get to our (paid for) facilities. With bad grace they moved us to “the only other site they had” which was very narrow and had two trees that keep us from parking on our site. Note that of today (Saturday) there is still a pull through site available plus numerous back ins. At least the place is quiet.

Yesterday we did laundry and went to a lovely little quilt shop called The Squirrel’s Nest. I got some cut fabric for microwave fabric bowls.


One cover will be the bowl-kokopelli fabric and the other will have the quail on both sides. I love mountain quail! I also got fabric for two baby quilts. One is for my niece and her upcoming baby boy (the white and gray) and the other is for a son of one of my sons (the cream and red). I am going to make both the same pattern, an Irish Chain.


Today we tried tried to visit Bisbee, AZ, but we couldn’t find any parking. We drove through town three times, checking out the public lots plus on street parking, and nothing was available. I can’t walk for blocks just to get to the historic area. We were both disappointed, so we decided to drive to Tucson to see the RV show they had there. (Yes, I know that makes no sense.)

We decided to actively start looking at options for selling the house, buying a house, and buying a motorhome. First step was to talk to a Realtor friend in Utah to see whether the market is as hot there as I have heard. Spoiler: it is! He was practically begging us to list, and he said he had folks who could help us get things ready to sell. There just aren’t very many houses on the market right now, and he needs listings. He also gave us some good recommendations on how to juggle the finances for house and motorhome. Ummm. Now we have to get serious! Our current favorite coach is a Tiffin 37PA. We plan on ordering a new one from the factory, so we need to finalize options. Lots to do!