After we left Quartzsite we headed east to Huachuca, just outside of Sierra Vista. We are staying at Mountain View RV Park. I would recommend this park for long term folks, but it is not nice at all for short timers! The first spot they put is had the sewer connection
underneath the trailer. The manager was quite put out we weren’t willing to crawl underneath the trailer to get to our (paid for) facilities. With bad grace they moved us to “the only other site they had” which was very narrow and had two trees that keep us from parking on our site. Note that of today (Saturday) there is still a pull through site available plus numerous back ins. At least the place is quiet.
Yesterday we did laundry and went to a lovely little quilt shop called The Squirrel’s Nest. I got some cut fabric for microwave fabric bowls.

One cover will be the bowl-kokopelli fabric and the other will have the quail on both sides. I love mountain quail! I also got fabric for two baby quilts. One is for my niece and her upcoming baby boy (the white and gray) and the other is for a son of one of my sons (the cream and red). I am going to make both the same pattern, an Irish Chain.

Today we tried tried to visit Bisbee, AZ, but we couldn’t find any parking. We drove through town three times, checking out the public lots plus on street parking, and nothing was available. I can’t walk for blocks just to get to the historic area. We were both disappointed, so we decided to drive to Tucson to see the RV show they had there. (Yes, I know that makes no sense.)
We decided to actively start looking at options for selling the house, buying a house, and buying a motorhome. First step was to talk to a Realtor friend in Utah to see whether the market is as hot there as I have heard. Spoiler: it is! He was practically begging us to list, and he said he had folks who could help us get things ready to sell. There just aren’t very many houses on the market right now, and he needs listings. He also gave us some good recommendations on how to juggle the finances for house and motorhome. Ummm. Now we have to get serious! Our current favorite coach is a Tiffin 37PA. We plan on ordering a new one from the factory, so we need to finalize options. Lots to do!