It was still crazy at the campground on Saturday, but we got up fairly early to do some sightseeing. We first visited the Armstrong Redwoods, a spot recommended by friends. The weather was windy and damp discouraging walks. We did get to see redwoods though! There is no way I can take a picture that shows how big they are, but here are a couple of attempts.
We also went to the coast to drive part of highway 1. This is a road we could never do with the trailer since it is narrow and windy. We stopped at a number of beaches until we found real excitement at Duncan’s Cove (part of Sonoma State Beach). A pickup had driven over the edge of the cliff and fallen/rolled about 100′ to the shore. By the time we got there, the scene was fully in hand with multiple EMTs, sheriffs, park patrol, and two helicopters. One ended up lifting the injured driver out and the other did the airlift to the hospital. I was amazed the driver was alive, but the local paper said he was expected to survive. Lots of cool pictures watching the experts stabilize and then transport the driver to the cliff top.
Lots of folks were working to stabilize the driver and prepare him for transport. At this point some of them had already walked back to the top using the very long staircase shown in the next picture.
The truck is actually in good shape for falling down 100′.
Notice the staff member riding with the guy in the basket. This is take not long after they started the hoist.
The helicopter gently dropped them right next to the waiting emergency staff. A second helicopter was the airlift to the hospital. We didn’t stay to see it take off.
This gives a better perspective of what was happening. Quite exciting for sure! You can see the poor beach partygoers waiting out of the way closer to us. After all the excitement, we continued down Highway 1 to Port Reyes National Seashore, spending just a short while. Definitely want to go back and spend at least one entire day. I love history, and there are a number of historical sites and museums that would be worth the time.
Sunday morning we left Petaluma by 10:00 and arrived at Yosemite Pines RV Park in Groveland by 2:30. We are here for a RV Forum rally along with 7 or 8 other RVs. As usual we are the only travel trailer at the rally; everyone else is in big motor homes. A number of them were folks we met at the Yellowstone rally last May as we found out at the introductory Happy Hour earlier this evening. Tomorrow we make our first visit into Yosemite!